Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I just remembered that my last couple trips within Europe have felt different. When compared to the feelings I felt when I visited while I was in college; I have experienced an overall, different feeling.

When I came here in college, everything was so novel. The blatantly different things about the continent bombarded me. I remember feeling overwhelmed when we moved here six months ago, too, but I have not really noticed it as much lately, even during our travels within the continent. The difference is that I've already had a huge cultural adjustment this second time around--now things are not as overwhelming. Now when people talk to me in a language I don't understand, it doesn't phase me as much. Things that I previously found to be "weird" or puzzling now bring me a feeling of fondness. Many of the towns and cities have even given me a sense of comfort. Living here has allowed me to see these places in a different way.

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