Friday, February 6, 2009


Since I moved here, I have learned or had several lessons reinforced. Here are some of the more impressionable ones:

1) Expectation is everything. When expectations are out of line with reality, problems arise.

2) Although difficult, expectations can be amended.

3) Respect is not entitled. It is earned.

4) The customer is NOT always right, even if he is.

5) People are people, but it's amazing how different they can be from one another.

6) It's okay to take chances that might lead to even partial failure. Some societies are obsessed with the illusion of perfectionism.

7) Americans really are loud. But so are some people from other cultures.

8) A lot of Americans take their every day conveniences for granted.

9) Belongings can be binding.

10) Sunny days are gifts.

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